Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Noun Clauses And Conjunction

Nama : Rina Sukasih 
NPM : 14209487 
Kelas : 3EA11



A dependent clause that functions as a noun (that is, as a subject, object, or complement) with in a sentence. Also known as a nominal clause. 
A noun is the name of any person,or place. In English grammar, a clause is a group of words containing a subject and predicate and functioning as a member of a complex sentence. Predicate is the part of a sentence or clause that expresses what is said of the subject and that usually consists of a verb with or without objects, complements, or adverbial modifiers. 
 A noun clause does the work of a noun in a sentence or phrase. It is a group of words containing a subject and a finite verb of its own. 
Some Rules: noun clauses usually begin with words like how, why, what, where, when,who, that, which, whose, whether, etc. Also words like whoever, whenever, whatever and wherever. 

1. "When Mrs. Frederick C. Little's second son arrived, everybody noticed that he was not much bigger than a mouse." 
2. "I know that there are things that never have been funny, and never will be. And I know that ridicule may be a shield, but it is not a weapon." 
3. "I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright." 

Find out the noun clauses in the following sentences and state what purpose they serve. 
1. The king ordered that the traitor should be put to death. 
2. He said that he would not go. 
3. That he is not interested in the offer is known to us. 
4. He said that he was not feeling well. 
5. I cannot rely on what he says. 

Answers Keys: 
1. Here the noun clause ‘that the traitor should be put to death’ is that object of the verb ordered. 
2. Here the noun clause ‘that he would not go’ is the object of the verb said. 
3. Here the noun clause ‘that he is not interested in the offer’ is the subject of the verb is. 
4. Here the noun clause ‘that he was not feeling well’ is the object of the verb said. 
5. Here the noun clause ‘what he says’ is the object of the preposition on.


The part of speech (or word class) that serves to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. The common conjunctions--and, but, for, or, nor, yet, and so--join the elements of a coordinate structure. 
A sentence style that employs many coordinate conjunctions is called polysyndeton. A sentence style that omits conjunctions between words, phrases, or clauses is called asyndeton. In contrast to coordinating conjunctions, which connect words, phrases, and clauses of equal rank,subordinating conjunctions connect clauses of unequal rank. 

1. "There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody." 
 2. "As it happens I am in Death Valley, in a room at the Enterprise Motel and Trailer Park, andit is July, and it is hot. In fact it is 119 degrees. I cannot seem to make the air conditioner work, but there is a small refrigerator, and I can wrap ice cubes in a towel and hold them against the small of my back." 
3. "There's a dark side to each and every human soul. We wish we were Obi-Wan Kenobi, and for the most part we are, but there's a little Darth Vadar in all of us." 

1. I like chicken ____ not fish. 
 A). And B). Since C). But D). For E). Or 

2. ____ it rains on Sunday, I will not be able to drive. 
A). And B). Where C). Either D). If E). How 

3. I like both dogs ______ cats. 
A). Also B). But C). And D). If E). Until 

4. The items are on sale in the local store _____ not online. A). But B). And C). Though D). Or E). Nor 
5. Neither my mother _____ my father will be able to attend the party on Sunday. 
A). Or B). But not C). And D). Nor E). But also 

Answer Keys: 
1. (C) I like chicken but not fish. The sentence here is drawing a contrast. But is the correct coordinating conjunction to join these two nouns. 
2. (D) If it rains on Sunday, I will not be able to drive. The subordinating conjunction should be used to introduce the dependent clause “rains on Sunday.” The rain is a conditional situation that will cause the lack of ability to drive. 
3. (C) I like both dogs and cats. Both is a correlative conjunction and must be accompanied by “and.” 
4. (B) The items are on sale in the local store but not online. Again, a contrast is being drawn here (just as in question #1) so the coordinating conjunction “but” is appropriate to explain the relationship between the nouns. 
5. (D) Neither my mother nor my father will be able to attend the party on Sunday. Nor is a correlative conjunction with neither. 


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